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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

The Colloquium in honor of Ala HEWAT, A Life of Refinement – 50 years of Neutron Scattering

vendredi 26 octobre 2012 -
Lieu : ILL, Chadwick Amphitheatre, Grenoble, France

Orateur : Sir Brian Fender, Massimo Marezio (CRETA/CNRS),
Charles de Novion (LLB),
Alan Leadbetter,
Roland Tellgren (Uppsala),
Peter Fischer (PSI),
Bill David (ISIS),
Garry McInyre (ANSTO),
Emmanuelle Suard (ILL),
Francois Fauth (ALBA),
Bachir Ouladdiaf (ILL),
Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal (ILL),
Andy Fitch (ESRF),
Paolo Radaelli (Oxford),
Klaus Yvon (Université de Genève),
Gerry Lander (ILL).

Further information can be found on the colloquium web-site : http://www.ill.eu/news-events/events/alan-hewat-colloquium/

Alan Hewat retired in June 2007 from the ILL after a rich career in neutron powder diffraction and the structural refinement of new materials, accompanied throughout by creative developments in instrumentation, and culminating with the management of the ILL’s Diffraction Group. To celebrate Alan’s contributions to science, instrumentation and management, the ILL is organising this colloquium in his honour, scheduled so as to immediately preceed EPDIC 13 as a satellite event.
The event is free of charge (except for the dinner), but you are requested to register for site-entrance formalities.
Contact :alanhewatcolloquium@ill.eu

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