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Tous les évènements à venir

Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise


Dimanche 11 mai 2014 09:00 - Duree : 6 jours7 heures
Lieu : L’Escandille, Autrans, France

Orateur : Plusieurs orateurs

QENS2014 aims to highlight topical scientific activities in the investigation of the dynamics of matter using quasi-elastic neutron scattering and to envision new applications. For neutron users it is the ideal showcase for their research. Newcomers will get a good overview over the scientific potential via contact with experts in the field. The conference program will take account of the increasing need for computer simulation and for theory support in data interpretation and will place QENS in the context of complementary techniques. WINS2014 The aim of the workshop is to overview recent developments, forthcoming projects and practice of inelastic & quasi-elastic neutron spectrometers. Related issues such as development of data analysis software, auxiliary devices and outlook for future scientific efforts will be also of concern. We will put a particular focus on comparison of dynamics in single crystals investigated using TAS and T-o-F.

Plus d’informations : http://www.ill.fr/qenswins2014 Contact : tellier@ill.fr

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