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Quantitative Bio-Imaging with Ionising Nanoprobes – Potential, Advances and Challenges

Mercredi 26 février 2014 10:30 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Room 500-501, Central Building, ESRF - 6 Rue Jules Horowitz - Grenoble

Orateur : Nirav BARAPATRE (Helmholtz Zentrum Munich - Germany)

Nanoprobe-based methods like PIXE and SXRF offer a highly sensitive, non-destructive and fully quantitative way of chemical imaging and nanoanalysis by exploiting inner-shell ionisation processes. Though the techniques possess unique and versatile qualities, they are relatively underrepresented in basic and preclinical research in biomedical field. The aim of this presentation is to highlight the potential of these techniques and the challenges they face. The figures of merit of PIXE and SXRF are compared with other spatially-resolved methods of chemical analysis. The advances in quantitative Bio-Imaging are illustrated with examples of application in the fields of Neurobiology, Cognitive Science, Life Science etc. The results from the investigation of the trace-element-imbalance hypothesis in Parkinson’s disease are presented. It will be shown how the research with model-organisms like drosophila melanogaster, rats and mice can benefit from µPIXE/SXRF. The applicability of these methods for validation of signals from in vivo imaging methods like MRI is investigated by Large Area Mapping. It is also shown that a combined approach using immunohistochemical- and chemical imaging methods offers a cutting-edge technique in cellular and molecular imaging with a strong impact in brain research.

Contact : isabelle.combe@esrf.fr

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