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European Soft Matter Infrastructure (ESMI) Free Access for European Soft Matter Scientists to World Class Instruments

Jeudi 20 mars 2014 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : CIBB Seminar Room, ILL - 6 rue Jules Horowitz - Grenoble

Orateur : Dr. Marc Obiols RABASA (Division of Physical Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden)

The European Soft Matter Infrastructure (ESMI) is a top level interdisciplinary research infrastructure provided by a network of 19 academic and industrial institutions that is available to all European soft matter scientists. It offers, free of charge, access to an experimental infrastructure (including a wide range of instrumentation such as scattering, imaging and spectroscopy), a synthesis platform (for nanoparticles and polymers) and a supercomputing infrastructure. The availability of such an infrastructure provides soft matter scientists with a broad choice of techniques to address their scientific objectives. It thus assures that European scientists have a world class collaborative capability for their frontier research. ESMI strongly contributes to a fundamental understanding, allowing the development of new, tailored smart materials. In this talk I will show several science cases studied using some of the techniques at the Division of Physical Chemistry (Lund University), which are available to all ESMI users. In addition I will highlight other relevant experimental infrastructure present at top class laboratories across Europe and that are also accessible via ESMI. At the end of the presentation I will detail the steps to follow in order to submit a proposal and the advantages of this proposal system (i.e. no submission deadline, short waiting time from submission to acceptance...).

Contact : sultan@ill.eu

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