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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Ecole & Conférence XTOP2014

Dimanche 14 septembre 2014 08:00 - Duree : 6 jours10 heures
Lieu : Grenoble & Villard-de-Lans,

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

The deadline for oral abstract submission is now approaching for the 12th XTOP "High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction & Imaging" conference !

Deadlines :
- registration deadline : 30th June 2014
After this date : +100€ registration costs Abstracts for poster are still accepted till 30th June (after this date they may not be included in the book of abstracts)

The deadline for application for some of the grants is also the 30th June 2014. More details on the xtop website.

XTOP brings together scientists from the fields of X-ray diffractometry, reflectometry, standing waves, coherent and conventional X-ray diffraction imaging and topography, as well as X-ray phase contrast imaging (radiography and micro- tomography). XTOP is thus one of the central scientific conference concerning methods and instrumentation in synchrotron-based high-resolution X-ray diffraction methods, phase contrast imaging, and micro-tomography.

More information on : http://xtop2014.org/

Contact : contact@xtop2014.org

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