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Vendredi 24 octobre 2014 12:30 - Duree : 45 minutes
Lieu : Amphithéâtre MINATEC - 3 parvis Louis Néel - 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Remy POTTIER (Director of strategy, ARM)

We have seen the Internet age, the mobile computing age and now we are on the threshold on a new era : the Internet of Things. There is a lot being said about the billions of potential products and the trillions of dollars revenue they might command. But the truth is the growth of IoT is not an inevitable conclusion, its destiny is in our hands as an industry, and there are challenges to overcome to fulfil the potential. I will share our view of the Internet of Things, what we think it is, what are the problems to solve, and what ARM is doing today.

Attention !!! L’accés à l’amphi se fera désormais, uniquement par le bâtiment 50B (Maison MINATEC)

Inscription obligatoire avant le 22 octobre 2014 : http://www.minatec.org/midis

Contact : midis-minatec@inviteo.fr

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