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Full 3D Reciprocal Space Map of thin polycrystalline films for microelectronic applications

Jeudi 6 novembre 2014 14:30 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle "Erwin Bertaut", F418 - Bât F, Institut Néel, 25 av des martyrs 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Thanh-tra NGUYEN (Institut Néel/MCMF et LETI)

In this presentation the author will present a full 3D RSM measurement technique developed at the BM02 beamline in the framework of thin polycrystalline film on silicon substrate for microelectronic applications. This technique gives a complete overview of the reciprocal space to detect and characterize the nature and orientation of all phases present in a polycrystalline film. Several examples of this technique will be demonstrated on Ni-based germano-silicide for source-drain contacts in the framework of sub-20 nm FD-SOI transistors (see figure 1) ; Ni-based alloyed with III-V materials for high speed transistors application ; and PZT thin films for MEMS applications. There exist many methods to access 3D reciprocal space map around a specific Bragg reflection so far using 2D detector. As a 2D detector represents a slice cut of the reciprocal space, a local 3D RSM can be recorded by subsequent rocking curves taken at different incident angles ; in another way, a 3D RSM can be measured by changing the X-ray energy (thus the radius of the Ewald’s sphere) in order to access a certain thickness of the reciprocal space [1] ; a third method which is presented in this talk is to record a complete 3D RSM by changing the sample tilt (χ) and the detector arm (2θ) while rotating the sample azimuth (φ) [2], in another words this technique consists in measuring full pole figures in a large range of Bragg angles. In order to analyse these 3D data, new software is developed to handle data recorded from area XPAD detectors at the BM02 beamline (DEVA).
[1] – T. W. Cornelius, A. Davydok, V. L. R. Jacques et al., J. Synchrotron Rad. 19, 688 (2012).
[2] – S. Gaudet, K. De Keyser, S. Lambert-Milo et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 31, 021505 (2013).

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