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A tiny step for a protein, a giant leap for nanotechnology : Nanotechnological applications of biomolecular motors

Mardi 17 mars 2015 17:00 - Duree : 2 heures
Lieu : Salle de visio-conférence du Bâtiment André Rassat |RdC | 470, rue de la Chimie | Campus Saint Martin d’ Hères

Orateur : Dr. Till Korten (Group BioNanoTools, BCUBE-TU Dresden, Allemagne)

Abstract : Proteins have been optimized by evolution for billions of years to work on a nanometerscale. Therefore, they are extremely promising for nanotechnological applications. In particular, cytoskeletal motor proteins are ideally suited for nanotechnological devices, because they perform mechanical work using the chemical energy of ATP-hydrolysis. This lecture will give an overview of important advances in the field of nanotechnological applications of biomolecularmotors. Key technologies necessary to make full use of molecular motors in artificial environments include (i) spatial guiding allowing directional control, (ii) molecular switches that allow temporal control, and (iii) versatile methods of molecular attachment allowing loading and unloading of cargo. With these technologies, it was possible to develop more and more complex devices such as molecular sorters, molecular concentrators, detectors and biocomputation devices.

Biography Till Korten received his biochemistry degree in 2004 from the University of Tübingen, Germany. He attended the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering and was awarded his PhD in Biophysics in 2009 from the TUDresden. From 2009 to 2012 he did a Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden and since 2012 he is a Postdoc at the BCUBE, center for innovation competence at the TUDresden, Germany.

More info : https://master-nanosciences.ujf-grenoble.fr/sites/default/files/Formation/brochure_capita_selecta2014-2015.pdf

Acces map on : http://tech.neel.cnrs.fr/rtrananoscience/files/web/Plan_salledeconference_Rassat_SMH.pdf

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