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High speed mmW/THz wireless communications based on photonic solution

Jeudi 18 juin 2015 13:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle Belledonne - IMEP-LaHC - Minatec

Orateur : Tong SHAO (Radio and Optical Communication Lab., Rince Institute, Dublin)

Data rates in wireless communications have been increasing exponentially over recent decades. However the spectral resources are extremely limited because of the heavy use of today’s conventional frequency. High-speed millimeter wave (mmW) or terahertz (THz) wireless communications have attracted great interest for short distance u ltrahigh data rate wireless applications. A photonic solution is a promising technique for high-frequency RF signal generation and transmission, as it enables the distribution of high-frequency RF signals over long distance through optical fiber, and makes the system compact and light. In this presentation, new photonic solutions for mmW/THz wireless communications using novel optical frequency comb which is based on gain-switched laser will be introduced. 100 Gbps short range wireless communication system can be potentially achieved with the proposed photonic/RF solution.


Contact : bauza@minatec.grenoble-inp.fr

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