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Liquid structure factor determination using neutron diffraction experiments with polarization analysis

Vendredi 6 novembre 2015 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : EPN Campus, ILL 4, Seminar Room (no 163), 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Luis Alberto RODRIGUEZ PALOMINO

In this seminar the method of neutron diffraction with polarization analysis is presented and applied to simple molecu lar liquids. Polarized neutron scattering with polarization analysis has the advantage of experimentally separating the coherent and incoherent scattering intensities. Using a linear combination of non-spin-flip and spin-flip diffractograms, one can determine the coherent intensity, related to the structure factor. The corrections of experimental data for multiple scattering, attenuation and inelasticity are carried out using a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation code developed for this kind of experiments. This (hybrid) MC method is based on the combination of a modeled energy exchange and the experimental angular distribution. The good agreement observed between our simulations and the experimental results, confirms the goodness of this model. Present results are also compared to experimental data from other authors. The combination of polarized neutron diffraction with polarization analysis and the MC simulation of the scattering processes is a very powerful tool to obtain the structure factor of hydrogenated liquids.

Contact : dubouloz@ill.fr

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