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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Workshop TAILOR2016 - TAILored surfaces in Operando conditions : structure and Reactivity

Mardi 29 mars 2016 14:00 - Duree : 3 jours23 heures
Lieu : Novotel Fontainebleau, Ury, France

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Following the successful two previous editions, TAILOR2012&2014, TAILOR 2016 will be held in the close neighborhood of Paris. This meeting will be devoted to recent advances in the operando investigation of reactivity at surfaces from both experimental and theoretical points of view. The sessions of the workshop will cover various topics, mainly related to operando studies of the structure and the reactivity of a large range of catalytic tailored materials, including model surfaces, well-defined supported nanoparticles and electrochemical systems. The oral presentations (about 30) and poster sessions will be open to a wide list of experimental techniques including spectroscopy, microscopy, X-ray scattering and scanning probes, new developments of instrumentation, and also to recent advances in the field of theoretical approaches and models of surface science and heterogeneous catalysis. Five invited lectures given by renowned scientists will be included in the program.

Deadlines :

• For oral and poster abstracts submission : January 15, 2016

• For registration : February 29, 2016

More information : http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr/portal/page/portal/Accueil/TAILOR-2016/Accueil

Contact : yvonne.soldo@neel.cnrs.fr

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