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Molecular diffusion on surfaces of carbon materials investigated with neutron and helium spectroscopy

Mardi 26 janvier 2016 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ILL 4, Seminar Room, 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Emanuel BAHN (UJF Grenoble, 621 Avenue Centrale, 38041 Saint-Martin-d'Hères)

In this talk I present my PhD research about molecular diffusion on surfaces of carbon materials. The main research has been undertaken in the form of neutron and helium spectroscopy studies and theoretical models have been developed for an interpretation of experimental data. A focus will be the analysis of neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy data for studying the diffusion of molecular hydrogen adsorbed in carbon aerogel, in a novel porous carbon D-96-7, and in exfoliated graphite. The aim is a detailed understanding of the connection between porosity, surface chemistry, and the molecular diffusion. A brief introduction into helium spin-echo spectroscopy will also be given as a complementary technique, with results from diffusion studies of water and benzene on graphene/Ni(111) as an example.

Contact : tellier@ill.fr

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