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The Next Step in the Exploitation of Storage-Ring-Based High Energy X-ray Sources

Vendredi 20 mai 2016 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ILL 4, Amphi Chadwick - 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Harald REICHERT (Director of Research, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is Europe’s premier hard X-ray synchrotron radiation source serving 45 experimental stations for public use.

The facility has just finished Phase I of an ambitious upgrade programme (2009-2015) covering all aspects of the facility : photon production, experimental facilities for users, user service, and X-ray technology development. The upgrade benefits all areas of X-ray applications : Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Diffraction. A few examples will be used to demonstrate first results from the new instruments.

In parallel we have started work for ESRF-EBS project (Phase II of the upgrade programme, 2015-2022) focusing on the construction of a new storage ring with the goal to reduce the horizontal emittance by at least a factor of 30 by 2020. The associated linear increase in brilliance and coherence will enable new applications of X-rays in the study of soft and hard condensed matter.

After an introduction of the main concepts behind the new source, the potential for new science will be discussed.

Contact : goarin@ill.eu

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