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The two dimensional antiferromagnets MnPS3 vs. FePS3 : one electron makes all the difference

Jeudi 10 novembre 2016 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle "Remy Lemaire" K 223 (1er étage) bât. K de l’institut Néel/CNRS

Orateur : Andrew R. WILDES (ILL Grenoble)

The MPX3 (M=transition metal, X=S,Se) family of compounds have layered structures, with atomic planes that are weakly bound by v an der Waals forces. This puts them in the same class of materials as graphite, and they share further similarities as, like graphite, the metal atoms form a honeycomb lattice in the strongly-bound atomic planes. Their electronic and optic properties have been extensively studied, as well as the potential for interplanar intercalation, as they have potential applications as semiconductors, photorefractive materials, and battery applications. Their magnetic properties, however, have been largely overlooked. This is a pity, because members of the family are excellent physical representations of model magnetic systems. Furthermore, changing the metal cation results in a significant change in the type of model magnetism, making the family an excellent test bed for the study of magnetic anisotropy and frustration. MnPS3 and FePS3 are important family members. The first compound is a good example of a Heisenberg antiferromagnet with some surprising critical properties. Add one electron , and FePS3 is an excellent example of an Ising-like antiferromagnet with one-dimensional signatures in its magnetism. In this talk I will summarize our efforts to understand these two compounds using neutron scattering.

Contact : lilian.de-coster@neel.cnrs.fr

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