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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Atomic Layer Deposition of Superconductors

Jeudi 24 novembre 2016 10:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Grenoble INP-Phelma, Laboratoire LMGP-2ème étage-salle de séminaire, 3 parvis Louis Néel - 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Thomas PROSLIER (CEA-Saclay, IRFU/SACM)

I will present results obtained on the use of atomic layer deposition (ALD) to synthesize thin superconducting films and multilayer superconductor-insulator (S-I) hetero-structures. ALD applied to superconducting films opens the way for a variety of applications, including improving the performance and decreasing the cost of high energy particle accelerators, superconducting wires for energy storage, and bolometers for radiation detection. Furthermore, the atomic-scale thickness control afforded by ALD enables the study of superconductivity and associated phenomena in homogeneous layers in the ultra-thin film limit.

Contact : Michele.san-martin@grenoble-inp.fr

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