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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Matchmaking meeting of the IDEX/UGA project "Quantum Engineering Grenoble" and the Marie Slodowska Curie Action "Grenoble Quantum Engineering".

Mercredi 22 mars 2017 09:30 - Duree : 6 heures 30 minutes
Lieu : Salle de séminaire, Bâtiment A, CNRS, 25, av des martyrs, 38042 Grenoble

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Matchmaking meeting of the IDEX/UGA project "Quantum Engineering Grenoble" and the Marie Slodowska Curie Action "Grenoble Quantum Engineering". These projects offer Doctoral scholarships in the field of "Quantum Engineering", with the possibility of industrial secondments. The goal of this meeting is to establish connections between academics and industrialists to build the doctoral projects.

Tentative schedule :

9h30-10h00, Welcome coffee

10h-10h15, Introduction

10h15-11h15, Presentation of the academic research activity in Grenoble

11h15-12h30, Presentation from industrialists

12h30- 14h, Lunch

14h-16h,Lab visitits, informal discussions

Registration (compulsary) before march 17th, on http://fondation-nano.grenoble.cnrs.fr/survey/index.php/799224/lang-en

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