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Tous les évènements de Biologie / Chimie à venir

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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

19th HERCULES Specialized Course Quantitative Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons

lundi 15 mai 2017 - Duree : 5 jours
Lieu : Grenoble, France

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Scope of the course

Imaging techniques have seen an intense development using neutron and synchrotron radiation over the past 20 years, with brighter sources and more efficient detectors.

Beyond experimental aspects, the data analysis workflow is essential for an efficient and objective interpretation of experimental data. This school will discuss the creation and use of images, with the help of “best practice” and “bad practice” examples, from the definition of experimental parameters, the reconstruction algorithms, to data visualization.

Techniques : two and three-dimensional imaging, time-resolved experiments, absorption, phase-contrast, scanning microscopy, coherent diffraction imaging, ptychography…

The school will include one poster session, one day of practicals and one day of tutorials focusing on data analysis.

Important dates :

There will be a selection of candidates due to a limited number of participants.

- Pre-registration (applications) opening : 15 February 2017

- Application deadline : 15 March 2017

- Notification of acceptance : 27 March 2017

- Final registration deadline : 24 April 2017

More information : http://www.esrf.eu/events/conferences/HSC/HSC19

Contact : hsc19@esrf.fr

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