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LAHN : The Argentinean Neutron Beams Laboratory Project

Mardi 23 mai 2017 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ILL 4, Seminar Room (no 163), 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Florencia CANTARGI (Argentinean National Atomic Energy Commission, Bariloche, Argentina)

The RA-10 is a 30MW multi-purpose reactor currently under construction in Buenos Aires, designed to satisfy national and regional demand for radioisotopes, nuclear ma terials testing and neutron beams research, that will start operation in late-2019. The RA-10 holds many similarities to the OPAL reactor in Australia ; including a liquid deuterium cold source and a large guide hall for instruments. In 2015 the National Administration funded the additional project “Neutron beams laboratory for the RA-10 reactor”, named LAHN, aimed at implementing state-of- the-art instruments, developing a user community and training the laboratory staff. At present, two instruments are under development for the first stage of LAHN : (i) a neutron imaging instrument placed on a cold beam ; and (ii) a multi-purpose diffractometer placed on a thermal beam, optimized for non-destructive studies on large objects. Both instruments will be located on the reactor face, in order to exploit very intense, undisturbed, neutron beams. In addition to this, an ambitious program has been launched to promote the use of neutron techniques in Argentina and to develop a larger use r community. Here, I will describe the current state of the project, the instruments design and the Argentinean neutron research community.

Contact : dubouloz@ill.fr

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