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Silicon Carbide Biotechnology

Jeudi 1er juin 2017 13:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle Belledonne - IMEP-LaHC, 3 Parvis Louis Neel, Bât. BCAi, Minatec

Orateur : Stephen E. SADDOW (Electrical Engineering Dept., University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 22620 USA)

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a semiconductor that displays ceramic-like properties. Long known for its hardness and resistance to chemical attack, research into developing SiC electronics has been an active topic since the 1950’s. Numerous reports of SiC as a potential material for interfacing with the human body have been around for decades, but only recently has a comprehensive look into SiC for biomedical devices been undertaken. Starting in 2005 the USF SiC Group started to study the biocompatibility of various SiC single-crystalline forms, known as polytypes, and our research was aimed at both understanding the potential of SiC for biomedical applications and to understand why discrepancies in the literature existed : some reports stating that SiC was cytotoxic and other biocompatible. We have since this time studied various forms of SiC, mainly 3C-, 4H-, 6H- and amorphous SiC to various biological systems as skin and connective tissue, blood platelets, neurons, etc. We have also compared the in-vivo response of tissue (wild type mice) to 3C-SiC and Si and have found a very promising null response for 3C-SiC, at least for 30 days in-vivo. Additional work has shown simil ar results for a-SiC coated probes thus motivating the development of implantable biomedical devices using SiC as the requisite materials. At the University of South Florida a team of electrical engineers and neuroscientists have been developing silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor devices for use as implantable neural interfaces (INIs). This lecture will discuss both the state of the art of SiC biotechnology as well as review other biomedical devices such as heart stent coatings, bone prosthetic coatings, in vivo sensors, etc.


Contact :bauza@minatec.grenoble-inp.fr

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