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International Doctoral Training Session Frontiers of Condensed Matter

lundi 18 septembre 2017 - Duree : 1 semaine 5 jours
Lieu : Les Houches (France)

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

This Les Houches international doctoral training session aims at offering Master and PhD-students a high-level training program in the general area of Condensed Matter Physics. The session will consist of lecture series on the following topics :

• Quantum transport

• Topological phases

• Quantum information

• Nanomechanics

• Quantum thermodynamics

• Strongly correlated systems

complemented by more specialized pedagogical seminars on timely topics, poster sessions, and discussion forums.

Information and Registration : https://www.adum.fr/as/ed/page.pl?site=phys&page=les_houches

Deadline for applications : June 16, 2017

The session is organized jointly by Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble, the Casimir Research School Delft-Leiden, and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) San Sebastian. It aims at offering final year Master students and junior Ph.D-students (1st/2nd year) a high-level training programme in the general area of condensed matter physics.

Contact : frontiers2017leshouches@gmail.com

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