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Photonic counterparts of Cooper pairs

Lundi 4 décembre 2017 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle « Remy Lemaire » (K223) - Institut Néel 25 avenue des martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Marcelo Franca Santos (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

ATTENTION : en raison de la mise en application avancée du plan Vigipirate, toutes les personnes qui ne possèdent pas de badge CNRS doivent nous signaler leur venue avant lundi 4 décembre 11h, afin d’ajouter leur nom à la liste des personnes autorisées à entrer sur le site.

Photons are the elementary particles of light. Contrary to most particles, photons do not interact directly with each other in vacuum. However, when propagating in a material, e.g. water, photon pairs may interact through the medium. In the Raman effect, for example, it is possible that a photon creates or absorbs a vibrational excitation of the material. In this work, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that photon pairs may interact via a virtual vibration, meaning that the energy exchanged in the process does not correspond to a quantum of vibrational energy. The same process occurs in a metal at very low temperatures, where virtual vibrations of the medium create an effective attractive interaction between electrons, forming the so-called Cooper pairs. This phenomenon changes a normal metal into a superconductor. We have shown the analogue of this phenomenon with light, namely an effective photon-photon interaction mediated by a virtual vibration, i.e, a photonic-like Cooper pair. An important next step is to test how far the analogy with superconductivity extends.


Contact : Marcelo Franca Santos

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