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Tous les évènements à venir

Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

11th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2018)

mardi 5 juin 2018 - Duree : 4 jours
Lieu : Rome, Italy

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Chaos theory is developed rapidly the last decades. With CHAOS2018 International Conference we celebrate 11 years of active presence in the field via the annual conference, the proceedings and publications in books and the CMSIM Journal (www.cmsim.eu ).

You are kindly invited to participate and to submit an Abstract, Paper, Invited Talk and/or an Invited Session (3-6 papers) to the forthcoming Nonlinear Systems Conference titled : 11th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2018, 5-8 June 2018). The submissions page is now open.

Many thanks to the Honorary Committee (Professors Florentino Borondo Rodríguez, Giovanni Gallavotti, Gennady A. Leonov, Gheorghe Mateescu, Yves Pomeau, David Ruelle and Ferdinand Verhulst) and the Scientific Committee for their support.

For more information please visit the conference website at : www.cmsim.org or send email to Secretariat@cmsim1.org .

Contact : Secretariat@cmsim.de

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