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Magnet Recycling activities within the TEMA group

Jeudi 1er mars 2018 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle Erwin Bertaut, F418


Subject to extremely volatile prices, Rare Earth (RE) elements are a source of geopolitical tension through China’s strategic game, which provides more than 95% of the mineral resources and industrial implementation of these elements. However, access to the Nd, Pr, Dy elements which enter for 30% in the composition of magnets is crucial for new technologies (electric vehicles, wind turbines, electronic equipment ...). This context fosters reflection on the development of alternative sources. In Europe, the desire to give a second life to products on the EU market is largely supported by the European Commission, which has set collection targets for the coming years and which supports an important amount of research activities on the recycling processes of RE containing wastes. In this talk, the activities developed within the TEMA group on magnet valorization will be presented. Different ways of magnets recycling are proposed and developed in the framework of the RECUP’TR, PRIMA and SINTERMAGREC projects.

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