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Mechanics of Incompatible Surface Growth

Lundi 4 juin 2018 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Conference room - LIPhy - Bât E - 140 Avenue de la Physique - St Martin d’Hères. Accès par interphone, appeler le secrétariat

Orateur : Giuseppe ZURLO (School of Mathematics, National University of Ireland, Galway)

Inelastic surface growth associated with continuous creation of incompatibility on the boundary of an evolving body is behind a variety of many natural phenomena (embryonic development, tree growth) and is also crucial for many technological processes (dam construction, 3D printing). Despite the ubiquity of such processes, the mechanical aspects of surface growth are still not fully understood. In this talk we present a new approach to surface growth that allows one to link inelastic effects with the deposition strategy, address path dependence of the growth process and to quantify growth-induced geometric frustration. In particular, we show that incompatibility developed during deposition can be fine-tuned to ensure a particular behaviour of the system in physiological (or technological) conditions. As an illustration, we compute explicit deposition protocols allowing one to "print" realistic arteries exhibiting targeted mechanical response in physiological conditions. Another illustration is the analysis of the growth strategy for explosive plants, allowing them to completely release the accumulated elastic energy with a single cut.

Contact : pierre.recho@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

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