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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

ATTENTION !!! SEMINAIRE ANNULE ET REPORTE AU 20/11/18 - Phonon number sensitive electromechanics

Mardi 13 novembre 2018 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle « Remy Lemaire » (K223) de l’Institut Néel – au n°25 de la rue des martyrs, Grenoble.

Orateur : Jérémie VIENNOT (JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, and Néel Institute)

ATTENTION : en raison de la mise en application avancée du plan Vigipirate, toutes les personnes qui ne possèdent pas de badge CNRS doivent nous signaler leur venue avant lundi 12 novembre 15h, afin d’ajouter leur nom à la liste des personnes autorisées à entrer sur le site.

The position of micromechanical oscillators can be controlled and measured with a precision better than their quantum zero-point motion. But because of these quantum fluctuations, the energy of the oscillator cannot be controlled at the quantum scale through coupling to position. We demonstrate a new class of electromechanics experiments which uses the strong intrinsic non-linearity of a microwave superconducting qubit with a 4 GHz transition frequency to directly detect and control the energy of a micro-mechanical oscillator vibrating at 25 MHz. The qubit behaves as a vibrational energy detector and from its lineshape we extract the phonon number distribution of the oscillator. With a resolution of 7 quanta, we manipulate this distribution by driving number state sensitive sideband transitions and we create profoundly non-thermal states. Driving the lower frequency sideband transition, we cool the oscillator and increase its ground state population up to 0.48±0.13, close to a factor of 8 above its value at thermal equilibrium. Preliminary results show that using a combination of sideband drives, we are able prepare and detect number-squeezed states, which are non-classical, non-Gaussian states of motion.

Contact : benjamin.sacepe@grenoble.cnrs.fr

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