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Structure, strain and magnetism in a thin antiferromagnetic film : the case of CoO

Jeudi 13 décembre 2018 10:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Laboratoire SIMaP - bâtiment Recherche - salle de séminaires -1130, rue de la Piscine - 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex

Orateur : Anne LAMIRAND

Antiferromagnets (AFM) traditionnally play a passive role in spintronic devices, via their coupling with a ferromagnet. Paradoxically, they have recently attracted attention as active layer because of their invisibility (zero net magnetic moment). AFM do not create external field and then interact weakly with each other. They can store information without corrupting neighbouring units no matter how high is the storage density. However few is known about them because of the difficulty to study and manipulate them, especially in thin layers. Nowadays strain is presented as an effective and low-power method to control AF states, in particular when it is mediated by a ferroelectric layer as BaTiO3. During this talk, I will present cristalline and magnetic structures of CoO films on Pt(001) and on BaTiO3(001). I combined experimental techniques using synchrotron light to characterize them. Global properties were determined by X-ray surface diffraction (GIXRD) and absoprtion spectroscopies (mainly XMLD), while cristalline and magnetic domains were observed by electronic microscopy (PEEM).

Contact : guillaume.beutier@grenoble-inp.fr

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