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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

14th Annual Leti Review

mardi 19 juin 2012 - Duree : 1 jour
Lieu : Amphithéatre MINATEC - 3 parvis Louis Néel - 38000 Grenoble

Orateur :

The 14th Annual Leti Review, to be held on June 19–20, 2012, will provide high-tech business executives with a valuable opportunity to discover the latest developments in micro and nanotechnology, and to explore the ways in which these emerging fields can help drive their companies’ growth. The 2012 Leti Review will bring together leading business and technology experts from the fields of advanced design, silicon technologies, photonics, lighting, Micro and nanomed technologies, smart systems, and security for a full program of high-level presentations and networking. Leti, a world-class center for applied research in the fields of microelectronics, information technology and healthcare technology, develops groundbreaking innovations and works with businesses to transfer new technology to a broad range of industries. Strategically located on the MINATEC campus in Grenoble, France, Leti provides a unique environment where academic researchers and R&D professionals work together to create the innovations that will shape our future. Leti’s corporate partners leverage the center’s state-of-the-art cleanrooms, leading-edge research equipment, and some 1,700 employees and 250 students—all devoted to developing the next-generation technology that will give partner companies a sharp competitive advantage.

Website : http://www.leti-annualreview.com/

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