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The PULSTAR systematics test apparatus of the SNS nEDM experiment

Mardi 17 septembre 2013 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Seminar Room, 1Frst floor, ILL 4 - 6 rue Jules Horowitz - Grenoble

Orateur : Kent Leung (North Carolina State University, USA)

An apparatus testing the systematic effects for the SNS nEDM experiment is being developed for use at the ultracold neutron (UCN) source located at the 2 MW North Carolina State University PULSTAR reactor. Many of these tests would be almost impossible on the SNS setup due to the complexity and long cool down times. In this setup, polarized UCNs and 3He will be repeatedly loaded into a single full-sized measurement cell without an electric field. In order to understand the novel Golub-Lamoreaux 3He co-magnetometer double resonance scheme : measurements of the correlation functions determining the geometric phase systematic effect, optimization of spin-dressing, and the pseudomagnetic field effect will be studied. Presently, the apparatus is in the final design stages. An overview of the status of the UCN source, the design of the apparatus, and the physics goals to be addressed will be presented.

Contact : simson@ill.fr

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