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Innovative thermal energy harvesting for future autonomous applications

Jeudi 17 octobre 2013 13:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle Belledonne - IMEP/LAHC - Minatec

Orateur : Stéphane MONFRAY (ST-Microelectronics)

As communicating autonomous systems market is booming, the role of energy harvesting will be a key enabler. As example, hea t is one of the most abundant energy sources that can be converted into electricity in order to power circuits. Harvesting systems that use wasted heat open new ways to power autonomous sensors when the energy consumption is low, or to create systems of power generators when the conversion efficiency is high. The combination of different technologies (low power µ-processors, µ-batteries, radio, sensors…) with new energy harvesters compatible with large varieties of use-cases allow to address this booming market. Thanks to the conjunction of ultra-low power electronic development, 3D technologies & Systems in Package approaches, the integration of autonomous sensors and electronics with ambient energy harvesting will be achievable. The applications are very wide, from environment and industrial sensors to medical portable applications, and the Internet of things may also represent in the future a several billions units market. http://imep-lahc.grenoble-inp.fr/ev...

Contact : bauza@minatec.grenoble-inp.fr

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