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Collapse of the superhydrophobic state on nanostructured surfaces

Jeudi 16 janvier 2014 15:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : CO-1-10 Seminar Room (common/restaurant building 1st floor) ESRF - 6 Rue Jules Horowitz - Grenoble

Orateur : Dr. Antonio CHECCO (Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973 - USA)

Coatings with extreme water-repellency or “superhydrophobic” feature elaborate surface textures designed to repel liquids by trapping air. However, these materials fail when the liquid is forced inside the texture by an external pressure. Textures with nanometer-size features may exhibit more robust superhydrophobicity owing to the large capillary pressure required to infiltrate small features. We study the collapse of superhydrophobic state in densely-packed cylindrical, conical, and linear grating silicon nanostructures with characteristic dimensions smaller than 20 nanometers, all defined by block copolymer self-assembly and plasma etching. In situ measurements of pressure-induced water infiltration into the hydrophobic nanotextures using transmission small angle X-ray scattering show that superhydrophobicity breaks down irreversibly above a critical pressure defined by the texture feature size and shape. However, upon liquid depressurization, the gas phase spontaneously nucleates into the texture to an extent depending on the nanotexture geometry and the kinetics of gas-liquid exchange. These results are relevant to the design of thermodynamically robust superhydrophobic coatings.

Representative Publications (1) “Robust Superhydrophobicity in Large‐Area Nanostructured Surfaces Defined by Block‐Copolymer Self Assembly”, A Checco, A Rahman, CT Black - Advanced Materials, 2013 DOI : 10.1002/adma.201304006 (2) “Morphology of Air Nanobubbles Trapped at Hydrophobic Nanopatterned Surfaces”, Antonio Checco, Tommy Hofmann, Elaine DiMasi, Charles T. Black, and Benjamin M. Ocko, Nano Letters 2010, 10 (4), 1354-1358

External visitors may ask for a site access to Karine Sultan. Contact : sultan@ill.fr

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