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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Micro/Nanotech for the analysis and the parallel treatment of cells or proteins on a chip

Mardi 28 janvier 2014 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Conference room - LMGP 2nd floor

Orateur : Dr. B. Le Pioufle SATIE-BIOMIS, CNRS, ENS de Cachan, 61 av du Pdt Wilson, 94230 Cachan, France

Abstract : One of the main potential of the micro and nanotechnologies for biological applications is the capability of such technologies to provide tools capable to handle, analyse or treat parallely a large number of biological compounds. This is due to the fact that those technologies, coming from the microelectronics, use collective fabrication means (many identical microsystems can be processed parallely on a same wafer). Some examples of parallelized microdevices for the cell or cell components treatment or analysis will be screened during the presentation (DNA chips, Protein chips, cell chips). In particular the focus will be made of the biodevices for cell treatment. The effects of electric field pulses on the cell membranes are now broadly used for transfection or drug insertion purposes (pulses having a typical amplitude of 1kV/cm and more than 1s duration). Nevertheless the effects of ultra-short nanopulses (below 10ns duration, above 40kV/cm) on cell membranes and intracellular components (Beebe 2003, Napotnik 2012) are still under investigation within several research groups. In this context, our group is working toward the design and microfabrication of miniaturized biodevices devoted to the application of ultra short electrical pulses (nanopulses) to live cells, circulating within microfluidic channels or adherent in the exposition chamber. Main advantages of such are i) the miniaturization that allows the application of extremely high electrical fields (up 280 kV.cm-1 were achieved within our device) ii) real time observation and recording of the effects of nanopulses thanks to the transparency of the microfluidic device.

More information on : http://www.lmgp.grenoble-inp.fr/le-laboratoire/lmgp-seminar-dr-b-le-pioufle-micro-nanotech-for-the-analysis-and-the-parallel-treatment-of-cells-or-proteins-on-a-chip-572309.kjsp?RH=1256142011193

Contact : colette.lartigue@minatec.inpg.fr

Discipline évènement : (Biologie / Chimie)
Entité organisatrice : (LMGP)
Nature évènement : (Séminaire)
Evènement répétitif : (Séminaire LMGP)
Site de l'évènement : Site Minatec

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