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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

International workshop on Strongly disordered superconductors and the Superconductor-insulator transition

Dimanche 9 février 2014 18:00 - Duree : 5 jours18 heures 30 minutes
Lieu : Best Western Grand HÔTEL DE PARIS, 124, Place Pierre Chabert 38250 Villard-de-Lans

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Strongly disordered superconductors are attracting much interest due to the intriguing new states of matter that exist in the vicinity of the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) and due to their potential applications in THz detection of astronomical signals and in quantum information devices. In the last few years, the number of experimental techniques used to investigate strongly disordered superconductors has significantly increased. Hand in hand with new theoretical developments, they provide new insights into the nature of superconductivity close to the SIT, and into the phenomena that accompany it. This workshop strives at bringing together the world leading scientists in this field, both experimental and theoretical, to share their latest understanding of the underlying physics, discuss newly available techniques, and define future directions for the research on strongly disordered superconductors.

More info on : http://sit2014.neel.cnrs.fr/workshop_SIT2014/SIT2014.html

Contact :Benjamin.sacepe@neel.cnrs.fr

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