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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

2nd edition of the international "Organic Electronics Summer School"

Lundi 2 juin 2014 09:00 - Duree : 5 jours6 heures
Lieu : CHATEAU DE BOUTHÉON - Rue Mathieu de Bourbon 42160 Andrézieux Bouthéon

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

OESS2014 is the second edition of the international Organic Electronics Summer School, a series of interdisciplinary summer school focusing on all research aspects related to the field of organic electronics spanning from chemistry, materials science and processing issues, through organic electronics device’s (photo)physics and circuit design and modeling, till applications as OLEDs, OLECs, Lasers, Solar Cells, and Smart Sensors. After a first successful 2013 edition held near Biarritz (http://oess.univ-bordeaux.fr/en/), OESS2014 will address more specifically the field of organic optoelectronics.

OESS2014 will provide its participants the great opportunity to learn more about or deepen their knowledge in this multidisciplinary (chemistry, physics, nanosciences & nanotechnology) research field by attending specifically customized (from basic principles till the latest advanced research results) short courses given by 13 top-level lecturers. This summer school is specifically dedicated to (and targeting the participation of) academic researchers [(under)graduate & PhD students, Postdoctoral Fellows, “young” and “senior” scientists] as well as R&D engineers who are interested in the recent developments of the growing field of Organic (Opto)Electronics. All issues related to the synthesis, fabrication, operation, integration, and applications of organic LEDs (OLEDs) and light-emitting electrochemical cells (OLECs) for display as well as lightening applications, LASERs, Solar Cells and Smart Sensors will be discussed.

More info on : http://www.ooe.sfoptique.org/

Contact : patrice.rannou@cea.fr

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