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European School on Magnetism 2015 : From basic magnetic concepts to spin current

Lundi 24 août 2015 18:00 - Duree : 1 semaine 4 jours16 heures
Lieu : Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Orateur : Laurent VILA (Scientiic Chair) + 20 lecturers

Like previous editions of ESM, the 2015 School aims at providing a thorough understanding of magnetism based on a broad series of fun damental lectures, while offering the latest insights into up-to-date aspects of magnetism with lectures focusing on a special topic. The topic proposed in 2015 is spintronics with a special emphasis on Spin currents. This covers a wide range of fundamental phenomena in condensed matter physics, and opportunities for applications. The detailed topics to be covered are : basic concepts, magnetism in matter, thermal effects and magnetization processes, transport phenomena, spin-transfer effects, effects of electric field, spin currents, caloritronics etc. The School is addressed at young scientists, mainly PhD students and post-docs, both experimentalists and theoreticians. It will gather circa 20 lecturers and a hundred participants coming mainly from Europe, with a few positions open to other countries. It will consist of a ten-day training of lectures and practicals provided by prominent scientists active in today’s research, interactive question sessions, access to a library of magnetism-related books, and industrial contributions Web site : www.magnetism.eu/esm/2015/

Contact : Olivier.Fruchart@neel.cnrs.fr

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