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Charge Tuning of Nonresonant Magnetoexciton Phonon Interactions in Graphene

Mardi 11 mars 2014 13:30 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : LNCMI, salle de conférences "René Pauthenet" (bâtiment J, 2ème étage) - 25 rue des martyrs - 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Bennett B. GOLDBERG (Boston University, Massachusetts, USA)

Far from resonance, the coupling of the G-band phonon to magnetoexcitons in single layer graphene displays kinks and splittings versus filling factor that are well described by Pauli blocking and unblocking of inter- and intra-Landau level transitions. We explore the nonresonant electron-phonon coupling by high-magnetic field Raman scattering while electrostatic tuning of the carrier density controls the filling factor. We show qualitative and quantitative agreement between spectra and a linearized model of electron-phonon interactions in magnetic fields. The splitting is caused by dichroism of left- and right-handed circular polarized light due to lifting of the G-band phonon degeneracy, and the piecewise linear slopes are caused by the linear occupancy of sequential Landau levels versus ν. Ref. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 056803 (2014)

Contact : marek.potemski@lncmi.cnrs.fr

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