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Interplay between pure spin currents and magnetic domain walls in Lateral spin valves

Mardi 23 septembre 2014 13:00 - Duree : 2 heures
Lieu : Amphithéâtre PHELMA - Salle P015, 23 rue des martyrs, Grenoble

Orateur : Williams SAVERO TORRES (CEA Grenoble – INAC/SP2M/NM)

Pure spin currents consist on the opposite flow of spin up and spin down electrons with no overall charge current. Using nonlocal spin injection, spin-orbit coupling, or spincaloritronic effects, the manipulation of pure spin currents in nanostructures underlies the development of new spintronic devices.

A relatively unrelated but thriving topic is the manipulation of magnetic domain walls (DWs) in nanostructures. This research field has been the subject of intense debate over the last 15 years, particularly on fundamental questions related to current-induced DW motion. Moreover, it underlies a number of emerging spintronic technologies for memory and logic applications.

In this context, this thesis is based on the study of the interplay between magnetic domain walls and pure spin currents. This study is essentially carried-out in lateral spin valves, where constrictions have been patterned in ferromagnetic nanowires in order to manipulate domain walls. Using this structure, we first explore the non-local spin transfer torque, demonstrating domain wall motion induced by pure spin currents. Secondly, we demonstrate that domain walls can be used to create a switchable spin currents source, or detector, sensitive to the domain wall micro-magnetic configuration. By combining these functionalities in the same device we could realize an AND logic gate. Finally, we show that a domain wall pinned in a constriction allow realizing very efficient non-local measurements.

Contact : carmelo.castagna@cea.fr

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