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2nd "Graphene in Grenoble" workshop

Vendredi 14 novembre 2014 09:15 - Duree : 8 heures 30 minutes
Lieu : Amphithéâtre du CNRS bâtiment A, 3ème étage - 25 rue des Martyrs – Grenoble

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

The Nanosciences Foundation is organising the second workshop gathering all Grenoble-based researchers whose work is involving / focused on Graphene :

Opening talk by Konstantin NOVOSELOV (University of Manchester - Laureate with Andre GEIM of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics)

Whereas various projects such as the large "Graphene Flagship" are ongoing, it is crucial for our local community to raise its voice and improve its visibility at both national and European scales. Grenoble holds a unique position in France, and warrants a role to play in Graphene research in view of the numerous scientific results already obtained and recognised internationally.

This day aims at :

- engaging in the promotion of the Grenoble-based research in graphene

- allowing attendants to improve their visibility of all activities involving graphene in Grenoble

- encouraging young researchers to present their work (master students, PhD students, post-doctoral fellows) thanks to a poster session to be held during the Lunch break.

At the end of the day, three young scientists will be awarded the ’Best Poster Prize’ to honour their work.

The event will be open to anyone. Registration is FREE (yet mandatory) to access the Novoselov talk and/or the rest of the workshop.

Information & Registration : http://www.fondation-nanosciences.fr/RTRA/fr/880/2eme-workshop-graphene-in-grenoble-.html You shall also use the registration page to submit your poster.

Contact : graphene@fondation-nanosciences.fr

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