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Self-Assembly on Colloidal Scale : small-angle x-ray scattering with microradian resolution

Mercredi 5 novembre 2014 15:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ILL1 seminar room

Orateur : Dr A. V. Pethukhov (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

Entropy-driven self-assembly of colloids is a way to fabricate novel structures and materials with unprecedented properties. It is cheap since it is a spontaneous process simultaneously arranging trillions (1012) of particles in a little vial at the same time. Such a number is unimaginable for any of the lithographic techniques. However, to achieve mass production of desired structures, one has to develop ways to manipulate the self-assembly process. Quantitative characterisation of the long-range periodic order of colloidal crystals and liquid crystals is crucial for guidance of the colloid self-assembly. Small-angle x-ray scattering provides great opportunities here. Its application is, however, challenging since the periodic structures to study are often made out of building blocks that are 103 to 104 times larger than the wavelength of x-rays. In this talk I’ll describe the principles of the microradian x-ray diffraction technique, which allows to meet the challenge. Several recent examples of applications of the technique to various colloidal self-assembling systems will be described. I shall also provide an update of the development of hard-x-ray bright-field microscopy in application to colloidal crystals.

Contact : Blanc Aurelien <blanc@ill.fr>

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