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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Colloque MINOS 2015

Lundi 16 mars 2015 08:00 - Duree : 3 jours6 heures
Lieu : MINATEC Campus, 3 Parvis Louis Néel, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 – France

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

The MINOS LabEx (MInatec NOvel devices Scaling LABoratory of Excellence), is an alliance of academic laboratories from CNRS, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble Institute of Technology and CEA/Leti, all located in Grenoble (France). MINOS LabEx creates strong and continuous links between a relevant basic scientific knowledge and the transfer of know-how to micro and nanoelectronics industrials partners.

In the framework of its valorization actions, the MINOS LabEx is organizing a Workshop at Minatec in Grenoble in order to highlight its latest technical results. The objectives of the Workshop are : (i) to present our latest advances in the field of CMOS, memory & Derivatives business to industrial partners (OEM, Suppliers…), (ii) to attract Start-ups thanks to the technological know-how built-up by our alliance, (iii) to hire PhDs and post-docs for the development of new materials and processes for nanoelectronics.

The program will run over 2.5 days, with a calendar to allow time for the contact and informal discussions between participants and institutions. Presentations will be in English.

More information and registration : http://www.labex-minos.com/

Contact : contact@labex-minos.com

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