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Examination of silicon carbide as a candidate material for neutron detection in the tritium breeding blanket of the ITER fusion reactor under external magnetic field up to 10 Tesla

Mercredi 18 février 2015 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Room 7/8 - ILL 1 meeting room, 71 avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble

Orateur : Dora SZALKAI (KIT, Institute of Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology)

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is a leading institution of the international fusion neutronics community with a long-standing expertise in the field of neutronics and nuclear data for fusion technology applications. Nuclear design analysis are being performed on a regular basis in the frame of the European Fusion Technology Program for ITER, fusion demonstration reactors and power plants. Experimental set-ups using SiC detectors are under construction to simulate operation in the extreme environmental conditions found in the tritium breeding blanket, such as high radiation flux, elevated temperature and high magnetic field up to 10 Tesla, which is planned to be the location of neutron flux characterization measurements in fusion reactors.

4H-SiC is a promising detector material for measurements in harsh environment due to its beneficial physical properties. Due to these properties, measurements can be performed up to elevated temperature but this raises the question of how SiC can be used with other circumstances, like high magnetic field. With the development of nuclear fusion reactor monitoring, due to the applied high magnetic field in the reactor vessel, it became necessary to make the first validation tests of SiC as a reliable detector material.

During the last three years, in the framework of the international I-Smart project new SiC neutron detectors were developed and several tests with different neutron sources were conducted so far between normal conditions and at elevated temperatures regarding to the thermal circumstances in the tritium breeding blanket of the ITER.

The goal of our work is to find the proper SiC detector geometry and to establish its measurement ability depending on different available positions in the tritium breeding blanket with different ambient radiation, thermal and magnetic conditions.

Contact : blanc@ill.fr

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