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Thin-film optics : from theory to applications

Mardi 24 mars 2015 17:00 - Duree : 2 heures
Lieu : Salle de visio-conférence du Bâtiment André Rassat |RdC | 470, rue de la Chimie | Campus Saint Martin d’ Hères

Orateur : Dr. David Cheyns (IMEC, Belgique)

Abstract : Light-matter interactions become more complicated once the sub-micrometerregion is reached. For these dimensions, the wavelength of the light has the same magnitude as the used layer thickness. As a consequence, light that is reflected at any interface will (constructive or destructive) interfere with the incoming light, and create a complex interference pattern. A fairly simple matrix approach can be used to calculate the light propagation in flat, thin-layered stacks. We will show how this approach is used in optical thickness measurements(ellipsometry), as well as for the optimization of thin-film electro-optical components such as photovoltaics or light-emitting diodes.

Biography David Cheyns received a master and Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 2003 and 2008, respectively, from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. His thesis was on planar heterojunction organic solar cells, carried out in the Polymer and Molecular Electronics group at IMEC. Presently he is working on different thin-film opto-electronic components as a principal scientist in the thin- film PV group. He is actively involved in several European projects, and is the daily supervisor of 6 PhD students.

More info : https://master-nanosciences.ujf-grenoble.fr/sites/default/files/Formation/brochure_capita_selecta2014-2015.pdf

Acces map on : http://tech.neel.cnrs.fr/rtrananoscience/files/web/Plan_salledeconference_Rassat_SMH.pdf

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