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Start-up of a nanobiotech company

Mardi 12 mai 2015 17:00 - Duree : 2 heures
Lieu : Salle de visio-conférence du Bâtiment André Rassat |RdC | 470, rue de la Chimie | Campus Saint Martin d’ Hères

Orateur : Dr. Jesse Trekker (Imec, Belgique)

Abstract : Entrepreneurship is the buzzword of today. Everybody wants to be an entrepreneur. Even as a university student you can obtain a special status as student-entrepreneur. Great ! We need more companies who create value and who drive our economy. But how do you organize your idea or research into a business plan ? In this lecture I will give an overview of new businesses emerging in the nanobio field. Hereby, I will share my experience with setting up a nanobiotech company (still in progress !) and highlight the tools that have helped me structure my approach !

Biography : Jesse Trekker received his masters in biomedical sciences in 2006 at the KU Leuven. He was next granted an IWT fellowship to pursue a PhD in nanobiotechnology at imec and the KU Leuven. He graduated in 2013 as doctor in biomedical sciences. His PhD had a strong economic valorization direction and therefore he is currently pushing his research into a business solution, stretching the boundaries between nanotechnology and regenerative medicine. To achieve this goal he was granted an IWT innovation mandate in 2014.

More info : https://master-nanosciences.ujf-grenoble.fr/sites/default/files/Formation/brochure_capita_selecta2014-2015.pdf

Acces map on : http://tech.neel.cnrs.fr/rtrananoscience/files/web/Plan_salledeconference_Rassat_SMH.pdf

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