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Physical modelling of voice production with application to voice pathology

Lundi 23 février 2015 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Conference room - LIPhy - Bât E - 140 Avenue de la Physique - St Martin d’Hères. Accès par interphone, appeler le secrétariat

Orateur : Xavier PELORSON (GIPSA-lab, Grenoble)

The production of voiced sounds, vowels for instance, is mainly due to the self-sustained oscillation of the vocal folds. From the point of view of histology, the fine structure of the vocal folds is complex as they are constituted of layers of different nature (squamous epithelium, lamina propria and vocalis muscle). The dimensions of each vocal fold can vary considerably depending on gender, age and subjects. After centuries of controversy, the production of voiced sounds, phonation, is now widely accepted as being the result of a non-linear interaction between an airflow coming from the lungs, the elastic vocal folds and some acoustical resonators (the oral or the nasal tract and the subglottal system).

In this talk I will present a brief overview of the research carried out at Gipsa-lab concerning the physical modelling of this phenomenon. I will successively focus on the fluid mechanical description of the air flow through the larynx, on the acoustics of the vocal tract, on the biomechanics of the vocal folds and on their interactions. The performance of these theoretical models is tested against experiments performed on mechanical replicas of the human phonatory system.

Besides increasing our knowledge about the complex mechanisms involved during speech, the motivation for such a study concerns speech synthesis using physical models and voice pathology diagnostic or treatment. This latter point will be illustrated using some examples of ongoing research.

Contact : claude.verdier@ujf-grenoble.fr

Discipline évènement : (Physique)
Entité organisatrice : (LIPhy)
Nature évènement : (Séminaire)
Evènement répétitif : (Séminaire Mat. Molle/grise)
Site de l'évènement : Domaine Universitaire de St Martin d’Hères

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