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AlN epitaxial growth by HT-HVPE : from R&D to technology transfer

Mardi 24 mars 2015 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : LMGP – Phelma Minatec – 3 Parvis Louis Néel - Grenoble

Orateur : Arnaud CLAUDEL, PhD (Fondation Nanosciences / LMGP)

This seminar will be dedicated to the development and improvement of aluminum nitride (AlN) epitaxial growth by High Temperature Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy for applications in optoelectronics (UV LED) and electronics (SAW). AlN is a wide band-gap III-V semiconductor with outstanding intrinsic properties (Eg = 6.2 eV, high thermal conductivity, high electrical resistivity, stability in harsh environment …). Since its properties are very interesting for various applications, the different pathways to produce high quality AlN single crystals and epitaxial layers remain a strong scientific and technical challenge mostly due to the high temperatures and corrosive conditions used for the synthesis of this advanced material.

Contact : Michele.san-martin@grenoble-inp.fr

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