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Introduction to electronic properties of rotated graphene bilayers

Mardi 12 mai 2015 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle "Louis Weil" E424 - Institut Néel -bâtiment E, 3ème étage, CNRS Polygone scientifique, 25 rue des martyrs, 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Karim FERHAT (Théorie de la Matière Condensée)

Rotated graphene bilayers form a new class of systems, with electronic properties that can be strikingly different of these of a monolayer of graphene. Depending on the angle, the behavior of the system will drastically change. For small enough angles, the interaction between states of the two Dirac cones drive interesting properties like the emergence of two Van Hove singularities, or a charge density wave in the absence of correlations for smaller angles. This talk will present non exhaustively these properties (studied numerically in [1]), and will propose to explain why the effect of the correlations can be an interesting perspective.

Contact : benjamin.canals@neel.cnrs.fr

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