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Photovoltaic material research in Department of Material Science at Tallinn University of Technology

Jeudi 8 octobre 2015 13:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle Belledonne - IMEP-LaHC, Bât. BCAI, Minatec

Orateur : Taavi RAADIK (Dept. of Mat. Science, Tallinn Univ. of Technol., Estonia)

In the seminar, Dr. Taavi Raadik is introducing photovoltaic material research in Department of Material Science at TUT. He gives overview of unique monograin layer solar cell technology and its fabrication process as well as different thin film technologies that are used to produce solar cells in their lab. More effort is put to th e physical and electrical characterization methods of solar cells and semiconductor materials, such as photoluminescence -, raman - and modulation spectroscopy. Final part of the presentation is focused on the modulation spectroscopy methods in photovoltaic material research. Its advantages compared with other optical methods and the information that can be obtained using these methods. The temperature dependent modulation spectroscopy results are presented about the prospective solar energy materials such as SnS, CdTe, Cu3BiS3 and Cu2ZnSnSe4.


Contact : bauza@minatec.grenoble-inp.fr

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