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New Trends in Magnetic Structure Determination

Lundi 12 décembre 2016 10:15 - Duree : 5 jours3 heures 45 minutes
Lieu : EPN Campus, ILL, Bâtiment ILL 4, Chadwick amphitheatre


Scientific scope : This workshop aims to contribute to the training of scientists in the treatment of neutron diffraction data for magnetic structure determination, putting the stress in the new improved methods and tools made available in the last years. In particular, the methods that make a combined use of magnetic symmetry groups and representational analysis will be shown and practiced (both for commensurate and incommensurate structures). The workshop will be based on selected lectures together with intensive hands-on sessions using the most popular computer programs (Isodistort, Bilbao Crystallographic Server, FullProf Suite, Jana2006, etc.). The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary to determine complex magnetic structures, and show the most recent capabilities added to the traditional software. The workshop will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin, in Grenoble, from 12 to 16 December 2016. Lectures : The Workshop consists on 5 days dedicated to acquire a general overview of the methods of magnetic structure determination and analysis, in the frame of the specific free software presently available. Participants : The Workshop is intended for PhD students with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques, magnetism and crystallography, and also for experienced scientists, who wish to get a practical overview of the new important developments in the field that have taken place in the last years.

Contact : dubouloz@ill.fr

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