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Tous les évènements de Biologie / Chimie à venir

Tous les évènements à venir

Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

The winter school - New Frontiers in 2D materials : Approaches & Applications

dimanche 15 janvier 2017 - Duree : 6 jours
Lieu : Villard-de-Lans

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

This winter school will bring together young researchers - master/doctoral students as well as postdocs – interested in the field of novel 2D materials. The talks by selected renowned invited speakers will introduce the participants to the specific areas of this field and provide them with an overview of recent progress. At the same time, all the participants are strongly encouraged to present the results of their own research during a dedicated poster session.

The winter school will cover not only theoretical and experimental but also technological aspects of current research on novel 2D materials (graphene, silicene, transition-metal dichalcogenides, topological insulators & semiconductor nanostructures) and other emerging systems (multiferroics, materials for spintronics, semiconductor quantum dots and quantum fluids in polariton structures).

The list of (confirmed) invited speakers :

Denis M. Basko (Grenoble)

Stéphane Berciaud (Strasbourg)

Jacqueline Bloch (Paris)

Giovanni Bruno (Bari)

Vladimir Falko (Lancaster)

Clément Faugeras (Grenoble)

Roman Gorbachev (Manchester)

István Kézsmárki (Budapest)

Alexey Kuzmenko (Geneve)

Petr Němec (Prague)

Wojciech Pacuski (Warsaw)

Carlo Sirtori (Paris)

Tomasz Story (Warsaw)

Luis Vina (Madrid)

Patrick Vogt (Berlin)

With this announcement we would like to invite you to apply for participation, more information and a registration form can be found on :


The registration deadline is October 31, 2016.

The participation fee is 600 EUR (per person) for a double bedroom and 800 EUR (per person) for a single bedroom. This fee comprises full board accommodation (room + all meals) and all conference materials !

Contact : milan.orlita@lncmi.cnrs.fr

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