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ATTENTION !!! CHANGEMENT D’HORAIRE !!! The triple-axis resolution software "Takin"

Lundi 13 février 2017 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ILL 4, Seminar Room (no 163), 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Tobias WEBER (FRM2 - Munich - Germany)

We present the free and open-source software system "Takin", which aims to ease many of the tasks encountered during the planning phase, in the execution and in data treatment of experiments performed on neutron triple-axis spectrometers. The software is currently in use at the MLZ in Garching, Germany, and can be easily configured to work with other instruments, instrument control systems and data formats. Besides providing a "live view" of the spectrometer and its resolution, "Takin" performs resolution-convolution simulations and fits using the novel Eckold-Sobolev approach to the triple-axis resolution function. This method gives more accurate results for instrument configurations using monochromator or analyser focusing than the standard Popovici method.

Contact : dubouloz@ill.fr

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