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Tous les évènements de Biologie / Chimie à venir

Tous les évènements à venir

Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

3rd French Microtubule Network Meeting

Lundi 3 juillet 2017 08:30 - Duree : 1 jour 9 heures 30 minutes
Lieu : INRA -­ Versailles

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

In the same spirit as the last meetings in Marseille and Grenoble, the aim of this conference is to bring together French microtubule specialists and to favor scientific exchange and collaborations, through informal discussions. The Conference will be held in English. The organizers will favor talks given by young investigators (PhD students and Post-Doc Researchers), which will give them a unique opportunity to present their data to specialists in the field. In addition, an unlimited number of posters will supplement the two-day scientific communications.

The deadline for abstract submission and registration is April 19th.

Contact : magalie.uyttewaal@inra.fr

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